Corporate Partnerships

From our beginning, corporate partnerships have provided significant funding to Cure EB, and have contributed significantly to accelerate epidermolysis bullosa research. For example, a very significant donation from Goldman Sachs Gives enabled the EBSTEM trial to start, which would otherwise been significantly delayed.

At Cure EB we understand your corporate responsibility needs. Our engagement with companies ranges from high level partnerships to supporting employee fundraising activities. We strive to build truly tailored and mutually beneficial partnerships to ensure that you achieve your philanthropic agenda as well as helping to cure EB.

Your company could make Cure EB their cause for the year. This would help to spread awareness of EB –anyone who hears about it cannot believe that such a condition exists.

If you’d be interested in a partnership, or if you’d like to learn more about Cure EB, please do get in touch.

Redburn is proud to have supported Sohana Research Fund as one of our charities of the year. It’s a great charity to work with and we hope our partnership made a difference to them

Redburn, Charity of the Year 2017

With heartfelt thanks to: