Applying for Funding

Cure EB funds research into all types of EB, with the ultimate aim of finding cures.

Our primary focus is on translational research projects and early phase clinical trials. We also fund projects targeting the treatment of specific EB related health issues and developing new technologies towards treating all types of EB.

Applications are welcome from clinicians, clinician-scientists and researchers in any country who share our goal of curing EB. We review applications three times a year.

Photo of a research laboratory

How To Apply

Notes for applicants

1) We do not generally fund basic laboratory research, including animal studies. Animal studies may be funded as part of later stage research prior to embarking on a proof of concept clinical trial.

2) Where animal studies are funded, we adhere to the AMRC position statement on the use of animals in research and are committed to the 3Rs (replacement, refinement and reduction of animals in research).

3) Cure EB only funds direct costs, with an except for US-based research, where up to 5% of indirect costs may be funded.

4) We support the AMRC position statement on supporting research in universities.

5) Co-funding requests are encouraged and, where suitable reviews have been undertaken and full details shared, funding may be expedited.

6) Successful applicants are required to provide annual scientific and financial reports to track progress against the original award agreement (or more frequently, as outlined in the final grant terms and conditions). A final report is also required upon completion of the grant period, which should include a lay summary.

7) We encourage publication of results in peer reviewed journals. Copies of all submitted manuscripts, published papers, conference abstracts and posters associated with the funded research should be shared with Cure EB during and after the grant period.

Making an application

Potential applicants are first advised to submit a Research Outline for review by the Research Team. Any subsequent full application will follow the application review process below.

The application review process

Applications are triaged internally by our Research Team for their strategic fit.

Following internal triage, successful applications will be reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP). Applicants are advised to consider the following submission guidelines when completing their application:

1) Proximity to proof of clinical concept, or clearly defined path towards it.

2) Clinical importance.

3) Scientific importance.

4) Is the research innovative and able to demonstrate potential advantage over research being conducted by other research groups?

5) Is the proposed project funded from any other source?

6) The project plan should have targets and timings that are realistic and identified staffing requirements should be adequate and achievable

7) Cure EB welcomes applications from universities, hospitals, or recognised academic institutions in the UK or internationally. The ability to demonstrate a track record in EB research, or leader status in their particular field outside of EB research, will be of advantage. The research institution should endorse/sponsor the project.

8) Is there any intellectual property currently associated with the research, who owns it, and will that be a hindrance to our use of the technology as relating to EB?

9) Collaboration between groups is encouraged to include international collaboration.


The SAP recommend which projects to take forward and these applications are subject to peer review. Peer reviewers are selected from either experts in EB or experts in the relevant research area/technology. They will consider applications based on:

1) The importance of the research, considering the future treatment of EB and other research in the field

2) The scientific potential, based on the track record of the applicant(s), institution(s), and existing data

3) The research plans and whether they are realistic, have considered and addressed potential challenges, and are utilizing the most appropriate study design

4) The justification of resources requested

5) The ethical acceptability of the proposed research.

6) Applicants will be given the opportunity to respond to peer review comments. The SAP will review all written peer review and responses before making their recommendations.

All funding is subject to approval by our Trustees.

Application documents

If you have any queries, please contact [email protected]

NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partner

Cure EB is a NIHR RDN Non-commercial Partner. This means the studies that we fund may be eligible to access the NIHR Study Support Service which is provided by the NIHR Research Delivery Network. The NIHR Research Delivery Network can now support health and social care research taking place in non-NHS settings, such as studies running in care homes or hospices, or public health research taking place in schools and other community settings. Read the full policy: Eligibility Criteria for NIHR Research Delivery Network Support.

In partnership with your local R&D office, we encourage you to involve your local NIHR Research Delivery Network team in discussions as early as possible when planning your study. This will enable you to fully benefit from the support available through the NIHR Study Support Service. Find out more about the Study Support Service.

If your study involves NHS sites in England you will need to apply for Health Research Authority Approval – see guidance on submitting an application.