Current Projects, Drug Therapy, Whole Body Treatment
About This Project

Development of IV-administered siRNAs targeting mutant KRT5 and KRT1 in EB Simplex

Investment summary

Cure EB made an initial investment in Spin Therapeutics LLC in March 2019 to support development of RNA Derm – an intravenously administered treatment for Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (EB Simplex).

siRNAs target mutant (faulty) KRT5 and KRT14 (the genes responsible for the blistering in eB Simplex). Despite a decade of research showing the potential for using siRNAs to treat EB Simplex, this has failed to translate into a treatment as there was inefficient penetration when applied topically to the skin surface. RNA Derm aims to deliver the drug intravenously.

Spin Therapeutics LLC is now part of Phoenicis Therapeutics. In addition to funding from Cure EB, Phoenicis Therapeutics have investment from EB Research Partnership and EB Medical Research Foundation in the RNA Derm programme.