Feb 25 2021 Cure EB researcher Prof. Alain Hovnanian wins Scientific Award
We are hugely proud that the work of Professor Alain Hovnanian, one of the primary researchers on the EB Graft trial, has been recognised with the EURORDIS Black Pearl
Scientific Award.
Since 2012, EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe has organised the Black Pearl Awards to recognise the major achievements and outstanding commitment of individuals, organisations and companies who strive to make a difference for the rare disease community. Just as the formation of a natural black pearl is extremely rare, the recipients of the awards are themselves unique and dedicated to making a difference.
Alain’s research and work in rare skin diseases has proven ground breaking, particularly with Epidermolysis Bullosa and Pachyonychia Congenita, both in France and at international
This year’s Black Pearl Scientific Award “recognises Prof. Alain Hovnanian’s scientific excellence and comprehensive reach, the outstanding dedication he has demonstrated in the rare disease community and the positive impact he has made on rare disease research and patient community.”
It is wonderful to see EB research recognised this way, and we are especially pleased for Alain, and congratulate him on his award!